
Siena school uniforms are compulsory. You can purchase your child's uniform from PSW- 1013 Howitt Street, Wendouree.

Click here to visit the Siena retail parent uniform page on the PSW website where you can view our uniform items and prices as well as book a fitting time.

​Please refer to our Uniform Requirements which are provided to help you understand how to wear each uniform option correctly.

Summer uniform is worn in Terms 1 and 4, and Winter uniform in Terms 2 and 3. However, at the beginning of terms 4 and 2, we have a 2 week grace period where students can wear the uniform that is most appropriate to the weather conditions. We do request that the complete Summer/Winter uniform is worn, rather than bits of one with the other. For example, we do not allow winter tights or leggings to be worn with the Summer dress unless our Principal has granted your child permission. 

Please note, these uniform items are optional: 

  • School Backpack- cobalt blue with logo
  • Coat/Spray jacket (outdoor use only)
  • Jacquard Beanie (outdoor use only)

Wearing Correct Uniform

Wearing the correct uniform is a sign of respect and pride for our school. It also demonstrates a sense of self-discipline and pride in presentation that will be an important life skill for all. Uniform and dress codes provide a level playing field, preparation for heading into secondary school, and supports an emphasis on welcoming all students to ensure all students can focus fully on the learning process. If a student prefers to wear shorts in winter, they are now permitted all year round.

Uniform Requirements

Due to the ongoing risk of head lice, hair beyond shoulder length should be tied back and the correct school colour ribbons/hair accessories should be worn (blue, orange or white). Holiday coloured hair extensions should be removed before returning to school. Our students are required to wear conventional haircuts. Nail polish should not be worn at school. Visible jewellery should not be worn, with the exception of small plain stud or sleeper earrings, or a necklace with a small cross. Watches may be worn, ensuring smart watches are switched to a mode which stops them from being used as a communication device during school hours.

Hats Required in Terms 1 & 4

Hats are compulsory for outside play in terms 1 & 4. If your child doesn’t have a hat, they will need to play under a sheltered area.

Hats, Beanies and Coats for Outdoor Use

Hats, beanies and spray jackets are to be worn outside only. This ensures that when leaving the warmth of the building, students stay warm outside by adding these extra layers. Please ensure your child wears a jumper to school (under their coat) for indoor use.

Year 6 Zip-up Jacket

Year 6 students who purchase a Year 6 zip-up jacket may wear this in place of both the woollen jumper and the plain blue zip-up jacket.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

The second hand uniform shop will be open as advertised in the newsletter. If you would like to have a look outside these hours, please contact the office.

Clearly Label all items with your Child’s Name

It is your responsibility to CLEARLY LABEL ALL ITEMS WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. If you purchase second hand items, ensure you cross out the old name and put your child’s new name label on the items. There is a lost property tub in the office for any items that are misplaced. Named items are returned to the child. You and your children are welcome to look through lost property during office hours.
